Am Donnerstag, den 11.05.2006, 21:01 -0300 schrieb Bruno Martin:
> 1- I have tryed install Edubuntu Dapper, but in the instalation
> process, I could not choose the arquiteture of the clients, so I had
> to Install Ubuntu, and pass the parameter "--arch i386" to
> ltsp-build-client to get it working.
> Changing debconf priority or using expert mode doesn't let chosse de
> arch of clients on the instalation as well. Is it possible put a
> question on isntaller to chose the arch of the clients? Or there
> alredy a way to do it and I hadn't see it?
the problem with this is, that there are no i386 packages on the CD and
due to space constraints there might never be :( 
the two options we had were to either build no client environment at
all, or to use the available package base (amd64) to build a client
setup for a rare corner case. we decided for the latter and i'm hoping
to cover the real usecase through documentation
(which is in fact only: sudo rm -rf /opt/ltsp/amd64 && sudo
ltsp-build-client --arch i386 but indeed requires an online connection
or i386 cd)
> 2- After the installation, my station only worked when I put the
> XSERVER=vesa option on lts.conf and sometimes, they stay at shell and
> I have get ALT+F7 to open X.
the "boot to console" was a bug fixed in ltsp 0.85, it was caused by a
missing line that tels the splash screen not to think we're in console
> 3- Whem the ltsp-server package and other packs updates, I Have to do
> ltsp-build-clients again or can I do $ sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386/
> apt-get upgrade ?
you can do the latter after doing sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386/ apt-get
update indeed, to tell the chroot about the available updates, in fact
thats the big advantage of ubuntus ltsp.
> 4- A have another distro with LTSP working end it is faster than
> Ubuntu, but I'm decided to use Ubuntu. What can I do to reduce the
> memory used on terminal? (recompiling kernel, disabling shells are
> done, what else?) Seens (looking ltsp-build-client script) that
> restrictes modules aren't instaled on dapper version, is that rigth?
yep, if its installed its also used, which means the whole set of
modules redies in the clients memory. the restricted modules are kept in
a ramdisk, which makes a lot of sense in ubuntu but none at all on a
thin client where already the shadow ram of a current nvidia or ati card
would likely eat more space than a thin client has. apart from the
restricted graphics drivers there are only some wireless card and isdn
drivers in there. neither is needed on a thin client. if you have a
usecase yu can indeed install them in teh chroot :)
> 5- I put the ndb to put swap working (I have the messages in
> initialization that swap is on, and it was properly mounted)  , but I
> can't see any difference. And it seens that all clients are using the
> same swap files, is that possible??? Do I have to initialize a
> ndb-server tho each client (passed by /etc/default/ndb-server)???
yes sadly, thats the reason why its not in dapper yet, it requires some
amount of coding and shaping down ltsp in dapper took most of teh
developer time, so some things had to be deferred to the october release
you might want to take a look at
https://wiki.edubuntu.org/FullyAutomaticSwapServer to see whats coming 
> 6- I have get the local devices on stations working anyway, my job
> almost depends on it! :-O I'm tryed use ltspfs, but isn't worked!!! I
> follow the ltspfs wiki with some changes: instead of using cvs and
> compilling, I installed ltspfs deb package on server and ltspfsd
> package on station by chroot apt-get. Instead of
> using /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/rc.sysinit and rc.localdev, I put all the
> comands in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/init.d/local-devices and chroot
> update-rc.d add local-device defaults. I comented the following lines:
> # pr_set 67 "Creating Ramdisk"
> #echo "Creating ramdisk on /tmp"
> #/sbin/mke2fs -q -m0 /dev/ram1 ${RAMDISK_SIZE}
> #/bin/mount -n /dev/ram1 /tmp
> I comented then couse ltsp-client-setup already mount the tmp
> directory.
> #PATH=/bin:$PATH; export PATH
> done in ltsp-client-setup, I think.
> #eval `/bin/getltscfg -a`
> #reg_info HOTPLUG
> the commands doesn't exist!
> I have configured dhcpd.conf on the server to put static IP's and
> names to eath MAC adress to.
> but when I do:
> $ tspfs ws002:/tmp/drives $HOME/foo
> I have:
> no matches found, authority file "-" not written
> and it don't do anything!!!
please try the updated ltspfs/ltspfsd packages (especially use the -a
switch for ltspfsd) they have some ubuntu specific fixes.

thanks for the awesome feedback !


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