anyone has any idea what this could be?

On Monday, 15 April 2019 20:03:57 UTC+2, mario silic wrote:
> I solved one issue..but now I have this error:
> AuthFailed: Authentication failed: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='
>', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: 
> /oauth2/access_token/ (Caused by SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: 
> Error([('SSL routines', 'tls_process_server_certificate', 'certificate 
> verify failed')],)",),))
> On Monday, 15 April 2019 11:56:23 UTC+2, mario silic wrote:
>> Hello
>> Trying to configure openedx ecommerce and checked few times all configs 
>> and I'm stuck with a small thing - probably a very simple one:
>> The only thing I can see in the logs is:
>> /edx/app/ecommerce/venvs/ecommerce/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/handlers/]
>> -* Not Found: /oauth2/authorize/*
>> I do get the LOG in screen but each I click on the Log In button it takes 
>> me to the same URL:
>> <>
>> Any idea what could be wrong?
>> Thanks.

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