Thank you for your message.  I have responded to my best and most
helpful way.  I wish hope they are useful.

> can you give more context?
> One of my intents with eev is to let people play with other computer
> languages more easily - see:
>   (find-eev-quick-intro "6. Controlling shell-like programs")
> and to let them take "executable logs" of what they do in a format
> that can be shared with other people, and that many people find
> readable... Esperanto is readable for few people, and people have very
> short attention spans nowadays... even among the people who read
> Esperanto quite well most of them can read English much faster than
> Esperanto.
> Several years ago I wrote some political zines in Portuguese - here
> are links to two of them -

Me gustó: "...cada uno no seu quadrado!".  Creo que esto es universal. 
El individualismo.  Es diferente de la individuación.  La individuación
es conocerse a sí mismo.  El individualismo es excluirse de los otros. 
Sin los otros, podemos hacer mucho.  Ser algo logra más que esperar que
otros lo hagan contigo.  Con los otros, podemos hacer TODO, si nos
realizamos a nosotros mismos.

> but I only wrote them in Portuguese because most of the people who I
> wanted to reach at the time 1) read Portuguese much better than
> English, 2) were people that I would meet mostly in The Blue Room, and
> 3) wouldn't read more than a paragraph on their cell phones, or on
> their computers at home... so I printed copies of these zines, stapled
> them myself, and gave copies of them to friends for free...

I did not post these videos in particular with eev in mind.  I just
think that more works and more communication should be done in our own
languages, not in a third language, unless that language is Esperanto. 
The reasons: empowerment of more people.  We are writting in English
instead of Spanish or Portuguese or Esperanto.  These are the options
which I would prefer.
> ...but nowadays on everything that is related to Free Software I
> prefer to use English, and practically all my attempts to participate
> in FS communities in which the main language was Portuguese were very
> frustrating.

I am sorry.  Perhaps English can make you reach about 800 million
people.  With portuguese, I think that you can reach 240 million. 
Nevertheless, of those English-speakers, the people whos mother language
is not English might be more prepared to participate in eev.  There
might be more people interested in your project amont
non-English-speakers because the interests of some of them could be more
in line with yours.  Perhaps most of them would not make the effort to
learn Esperanto in order to use eev.  But it would be easier for them to
learn Esperanto than English.  So eev would be more accessible to them
if it would be ported to Esperanto.

Regarding the problem of reaching Portuguese-speaking people, possibly
their problems are not solved by eev.  Either eev does not serve those
people whom you are reaching out for or they do not believe that eev
will serve them, even if in fact it would.

I hope these opinions help in whichever way.  :-)

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