El 2022-03-28 20:32, Eduardo Ochs escribió:
> On Mon, 28 Mar 2022 at 21:44, Quiliro's lists <kil...@riseup.net> wrote:
>> El 2022-03-28 14:20, Tomas Hlavaty escribió:
>> > On Mon 28 Mar 2022 at 09:41, Quiliro's lists <kil...@riseup.net> wrote:
>> >> I did not post these videos in particular with eev in mind.  I just
>> >> think that more works and more communication should be done in our own
>> >> languages, not in a third language, unless that language is
>> >> Esperanto.
>> >
>> > In that case, I would have never found out about eev.  I cannot imagine
>> > going back to living without eepitch.  I am grateful to Eduardo for
>> > writing about his ideas in a language I can understand (which is not his
>> > own language as I understand it) and in a language, which made it more
>> > likely for me to stumble upon eev (which would be less likely in the
>> > other languages I more or less understand and impossible in a language I
>> > do not understand).
>> >
>> >> Perhaps most of them would not make the effort to learn Esperanto in
>> >> order to use eev.  But it would be easier for them to learn Esperanto
>> >> than English.  So eev would be more accessible to them if it would be
>> >> ported to Esperanto.
>> >
>> > There are other languages I need to learn.  Learning Esperanto because
>> > of eev is not going to happen, unfortunately.
>> I guess my point was not understood.
> You are right - you were trying to show us a model of the human mind
> in which by using languages that are not English our values would be
> elevated, and that model made no sense to me... let's suppose, then,
> that you did not describe it clearly enough, and that you pretended
> that some parts of that model were obvious when they are not...

I guess that there is no point in explaining something to people who are
not interested in such topic.  Perhaps questions would show that there
is interest.  But I do not want to compete; just to collaborate.  So if
this discussion's route is competition of points of view, I am not
interested in continuing.  I would rather like to build on agreements.

> Note that each one of us is already using at least two human languages
> - Spanish/English, Portuguese/English, Hungarian (?)/English...

I certainly agree on that.  But that was not my point.  Please read what
I posted and ask.  That is the best way to understand someone's point of
view and value it, without even consenting.  Then we can move on to

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