Paulus Agung a écrit :
> If you love it, maybe you can donate, participate or buy the 
> commercial version to support and speed-up the development.
IMHO too, and this said *without any aggressivity* (I don't want to be 
rude nor start a flame of any kind ;-) ) Leading a project means to have 
schedules and deadlines and objectives (private or public)... Just 
saying "this should be done at this time" does not take hours or 
endanger any project. In the same way, saying that a team is overtimed 
may help to get support, participation etc. Especially if it's said, not 
if it's guessed by the "crowd"... ;-)
So I'm more in the position of saying "give infos" instead of 
"participate and you'll know".

Now regarding the fact of buying the commercial version is a 
open-source/commercial discussion that shouldn't interfere with on-time 
schedules or not (it's my own opinion, maybe not the best...). Because 
of the fact EFW community is free (no paying), people using it are ok to 
live without information ? We're talking about FW and that involves 
families, small companies, people that work and rely on EFW to keep 
their computers and datas safe... If you cannot trust a FW or cannot 
have a good vision of the future, than you can easily go see IPCOP or 
any other FW. It may not be as easy, but if infos are given, i'm good 
with it. The point is : paying or not, the efw team are involved in the 
project (wether they are enough or not) so they have to assume this. If 
the project is more successful than expected and they cannot handle it, 
than they have to tell it and people will come (i'm sure of it). More 
over, i think that when you're asked something, the rule is to give an 
answer or to say "i can't do it now", but say something. By extension, 
if the Endian team does not give answer to the community, do they give 
answer to their customers ? BEWARE !! i'm not saying that they don't, i 
just say that the good commercial policy is to give infos and that 
saying nothing to a certain category may lead to say nothing to all 
categories and induce a lack of confidence.

Once again, i guess your mail was not aggressive, and mine is supposed 
to be treated as well, it's just a point of view that explains that 
infos are good for "us" ;-)

Best regards

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