Quoting Swen Walkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi all,
> thanks for all the answers.
> When it is pure RGB24 /YUV420P, for my understanding, I need to know
> how is the image in the array. Is it column by column or line by line.
> How is the arrangement and order off the color values?
> Or i miss understand something?
> Thanks,
> Swen
> On 9/23/07, Swen Walkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > at the time I looking for to get the picture form my Video device. After
> > looking in the code I think I will get the actual frame in the file
> > 'videoinput.cpp' there in the method 'void GMVideoGrabber::Main()'.
> > After the calling from 'grabber->GetFrame(frame)' there have to be the
> > actual image frame in 'frame', right?
> >
> > 'frame' is a 'PBYTEArray'. Can you say me in which format the image
> > came? So that I can convert it to maybe JPEG or what ever.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > --
> >     Swen Walkowski
> >
> >     SIP Phone    : sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

left to right and top to bottom,
this is a planar and not a packed format, so you first get R component, then B
and G or Y, then U and then V for RGB24 and YUV240P. Take care that U and V
components are only quarter resolution (i.e. half width and height). Have a
look at www.fourcc.org

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