Hi Jarmo,
that local video split sounds serious, thank you for reporting. I have
never seen seen something like that. I admit that I have not played very
much with the resolutions. For my old Phillips ToU Cam Pro which I use
mostly I tried only 640x480 and 320x240 and for both resolutions NTSC.
I will try to reproduce your error this evening when I have a Windows
Computer with Web Cam available.
As to your logs, they all look rather similar to me - in the failed one
you just did not get any frame from the cam. Let us take
ekiga-stderr-local-video-distorted-02.txt to reconstruct what may be

1) line 93: You wanted 640x480 at 30 fps (NTSC).
2) line 2165: Your cam supports 160x120 and 176x144 at 30 fps, higher
resolutions at 15 fps and below.
3) line 2227 and below: ptlib decides to take 352x288 at 25 fps using
the cam format 20 which is actually 352x288 at 15fps.
4) line 2413 and following: directx video output appears at 352x288.
That is what your pictures approx. are.

Did you really choose 640x320 and NTSC in Ekiga?
The only mismatch which I can detect is that between the 25 and 15 fps.
I will have to compare with my logs tonight.

Am Donnerstag, den 24.09.2009, 10:39 +0300 schrieb Jarmo Pussinen:
> Jarmo Pussinen wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > Michael Rickmann wrote:
> >> After more than two weeks of absence I am back and will care a bit more
> >> for Ekiga's Win32 port. So first thing to do was to build the new stable
> >> release. You find the installers and how to build in
> >> http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~mrickma/ekiga/stable/ .
> > 
> > Nice work.
> > 
> > But I have now noticed a problem that my local video is now
> > always distorted. I was wondering, why it started happen now and
> > then I remembered I had changed picture resolution to 640x480.
> > Same problem is also in 352x288 resolution, but my earlier resolution
> > 320x240 seem to work fine.
> > 
> > The picture is split in different
> > parts of the real picture for example:
> >  ---------------------
> > | Part of real picture|
> > |---------------------
> > | Right side  | Left  |
> > | of the pic- | side  |
> > | ture        | of the|
> > |             | pic-  |
> > |             | ture  |
> > |             |       |
> >  ---------------------
> > 
> > 
> > But the distortions are not always the same but size, position
> > and number (2 or 3) varies.
> > 
> > I attached a zip of logs. It includes pictures of the
> > distortions. The distortions are the same in PIP mode,
> > local view only mode and at the remote end.
> > 
> > I got also a log of a time, when I had to kill ekiga after
> > quit and one when my local video failed to start.
> > 
> > One thing about installer the "Will launch ekiga when Windows Starts."
> > is not localized. I checked from the code and it seems that there is
> > no macro for it in langmacros.nsh, but the string is used as is in
> > ekiga.nsi.
> > 
> > 
> > Regards
> > jarmo
> > 
> > 
> > 
> The missing attachment was too big so I put it here:
> <http://www.pt-controlnet.fi/ekiga/ekiga-logs-01.zip>
> jarmo
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