Hi Michael
Michael Rickmann wrote:
> Hi Jarmo,
> that local video split sounds serious, thank you for reporting. I have
> never seen seen something like that. I admit that I have not played very
> much with the resolutions. For my old Phillips ToU Cam Pro which I use
> mostly I tried only 640x480 and 320x240 and for both resolutions NTSC.
> I will try to reproduce your error this evening when I have a Windows
> Computer with Web Cam available.
> As to your logs, they all look rather similar to me - in the failed one
> you just did not get any frame from the cam. Let us take
> ekiga-stderr-local-video-distorted-02.txt to reconstruct what may be
> significant.
> 1) line 93: You wanted 640x480 at 30 fps (NTSC).

This line number seems to be wrong, because I did not find
anything about video.

> 2) line 2165: Your cam supports 160x120 and 176x144 at 30 fps, higher
> resolutions at 15 fps and below.
> 3) line 2227 and below: ptlib decides to take 352x288 at 25 fps using
> the cam format 20 which is actually 352x288 at 15fps.
> 4) line 2413 and following: directx video output appears at 352x288.
> That is what your pictures approx. are.
> Did you really choose 640x320 and NTSC in Ekiga?

No all resolutions were selected as PAL.

> The only mismatch which I can detect is that between the 25 and 15 fps.
> I will have to compare with my logs tonight.

I made a new log, where I at first have 320x240 PAL and then
select 640x480 PAL, and then select mode NTSC, SECAM and
Automatic. But after that Secam selection the Webcam seemed
to get so confused that automatic did not work.


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