Le lundi 17 mars 2008 à 20:32 +0100, schoappied a écrit :   
> Damien,
> As a 'user' of a internetservice, like internet chat or phone, I want to 
> know which information will be gathered and stored by the service. If 
> they use information, what for and if there giving or selling 
> information to third party's. Also I like to know how they protect there 
> users against violations of privacy.
> Do you store for example the chat or call sessions? Do you store who 
> call who and when? And if so, how can we as users delete 'history' or 
> change the setting so that that sort of information will not be stored.
> It is not a specific distrust of Ekiga, but in my opinion every internet 
> service should be protecting there users for misuse or privacy 
> violations and they should be open about there privacy rules. I think it 
> would be good if Ekiga can ensure there users that there privacy will 
> not be violated by the service and that Ekiga shall do there best to 
> protect there users against it. A sort of statement.
> As a user I can read that statement/ policy and can decide whether or 
> not I will use that service.
> Here are some examples:
> http://www.skype.com/legal/privacy/general/
> http://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/default.aspx
> http://www.voipbuster.com/en/privacy.html
> http://www.digium.com/en/company/view-policy.php?id=Privacy-Policy
> I think your service and software will be more 'open' if you're open, 
> honest and clear about this, for every (potential) user.

We only store user names and e-mail addresses and are not a commercial
company, so perhaps it does not really make sense (as reported by Cam

However, it can not harm if we add such a notice somewhere. It is on the
 _     Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone : http://www.ekiga.org/
v_/_   NOVACOM         : http://www.novacom.be/
       FOSDEM          : http://www.fosdem.org/
       SIP Phone       : sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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