On Monday 17 March 2008 11:58:27 schoappied wrote:
> Damien Sandras wrote:

> >> I hope you will be able to point me to the privacy statements of
> >> Ekiga or otherwise You will take this subject very seriously.
> >
> > Are you talking about ekiga or ekiga.net ?
> I think both are really important, is it not?

You seem to assume that Ekiga is an organization, in the way that Skype 
is an organization.  It is not at all the same thing: Skype is a 
commercial organization with a proprietary product and service; Ekiga 
is an open source application, and there is a community that supports 
and uses it.  To use myself as an example, the only information that 
ekiga.net has access to are my name and email address.  There need be 
no privacy statement, since there is no collection of personal data, 
such as Skype might require and use.

Does that help?


Cam Ellison  Ph.D.  R.Psych. #01417

Cam Ellison & Associates Ltd.
Management Psychology

3446 Beach Avenue
Roberts Creek  BC  V0N 2W2

Phone: 604.885.4806
Fax:   604.885.4809
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