D Webb wrote:
> > rules. So the comparison with information that is shouted in a stadium
> > is not right here. It's also not a good attitude of the citizens of a
> > country to just accept that everyone can violate your privacy. Citizens
> > should put effort in making good rules for privacy or to protect it.
> > Privacy is a human right of a democracy.
> Right, wrong, the law and self-preservation are 4 different things with
> infinite permutations of interpretation. Please consider thinking of your
> privacy much like your bicycle, you from the Netherlands. You will want
> laws to punish bicycle thieves AND a strong lock. The law exists because
> there are people who do not follow it. I expect privacy laws and the
> corresponding violators to co-exist. I do not see privacy statements
> helping much.
> Dee
I think you're right on this point, although Ekiga should, in my 
opinion, do there best to protect my information against potential 

But it seems that you not really understand what I was trying to say. 
It's not only about protecting information against violators outside, 
but as a user I want to know the policy of* Ekiga itself.* What are they 
doing with my information. That's what I want to know before I will use 
a service like Ekiga. And I think they should put there policy, like 
many other comparable services, on there website.

Privacy for a internet service like Ekiga is an important issue. That's 
why I was a little surprised by the reaction of developer Damien (with 
respect), who said that he finds writing a privacy policy boring or 
hasn't enough time for it. I think if you're offering a service like 
this and like to have a lot of users, the first thing you should do is 
doing your best to protect your users against violations of all kind and 
give them information about how you deal with the privacy of your users. 
That's at least the right your users have.

I like to help spreading the word about Ekiga, but I'd like to do that 
with the knowledge that the service has a good and open privacy policy.

Kind regards,


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