On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 11:56 +0200, Damien Sandras wrote:

> Hello,
> Would you be for or against such a scheme ?
> http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Fee+Announcement+from+Free+World
> +Dialup


I think it depend on what you're trying to accomplish.  The URL provides
a considerable amount of information which can be good, if people find
there answers or bad and by bad I mean heading them in the wrong path.

In the past several months you seem to be driven toward MS windows and a
SKYPE competitive environment.  There seems to be enough differences in
each LINUX vendors release to continue to cause your unpaid staff
problems, so what is your object.  SKYPE has already made in-roads with
TMobile and WIFI phones access and their LINUX release, ego, me seem to
work well.

Even with the problems I've encountered with EKIGA.  I continue to try
using it even with my open bugzilla problem, open source provides a
longer fix time and less customer criticism.  I personally know I would
like to loose SKYPE after 3 years but it works on all my platforms and
things seem to get fixed.  I would NOT like to see you and your staff
fall into the MS category of the blame game and start using the terms
"call the manufacture or OEMer",  we can't help. Money is one thing but
general customer satisfaction is another.

I do wish the best of luck and will save the URL you provided.

W. Stu Lesnett III

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