On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 10:25 -0400, Stuart Lesnett wrote:

> On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 11:56 +0200, Damien Sandras wrote: 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > 
> > Would you be for or against such a scheme ?
> > 
> > http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Fee+Announcement+from+Free+World
> > +Dialup
> Damien,
> I think it depend on what you're trying to accomplish.  The URL
> provides a considerable amount of information which can be good, if
> people find there answers or bad and by bad I mean heading them in the
> wrong path.
> In the past several months you seem to be driven toward MS windows and
> a SKYPE competitive environment.  There seems to be enough differences
> in each LINUX vendors release to continue to cause your unpaid staff
> problems, so what is your object.  SKYPE has already made in-roads
> with TMobile and WIFI phones access and their LINUX release, ego, me
> seem to work well.
> Even with the problems I've encountered with EKIGA.  I continue to try
> using it even with my open bugzilla problem, open source provides a
> longer fix time and less customer criticism.  I personally know I
> would like to loose SKYPE after 3 years but it works on all my
> platforms and things seem to get fixed.  I would NOT like to see you
> and your staff fall into the MS category of the blame game and start
> using the terms "call the manufacture or OEMer",  we can't help. Money
> is one thing but general customer satisfaction is another.
> I do wish the best of luck and will save the URL you provided.
> Regards,
> W. Stu Lesnett III 
> > 
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Damien, I do apologize, I missed the +Dialup portion of the URL.  I'm
wondering just what the annual $30 fee is really for the SIP or
something else.  In first trying your software you pointed us toward

Sorry again, 
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