Please disregard this query.
FYI, On checking through the debug output I saw that it was still going
out to the ekiga stun server.
I used gconf-editor to remove the stun server, and have just made my
first call:)).

Thanks for a great product, and you, Eugen and Fabrice for your support
with this.


Brian wrote:
> Damien,
> I have recently got a working version of 3.0.1 on my suse11.1, the
> previous one did not give me the option to select a V4L2 camera.
> As an aside I think this new version is a lot more robust.
> I am now at the point where I try to login.
> NOTE: I have used gconf-editor to change my listen port to 5065.
>       This is because I am using ekiga as the softphone while my ATA is
>                             still connected(using 5060) to another account.
> Below is an extract from the log showing the ip/ports coming back
> correctly but I get a 404. I am pretty sure this is because my account
> is not set up properly at my provider.
> Can you confirm or can a 404 mean something else?
> Note also that I have temporarily removed my ekiga account so I am not
> using a stun server.
> Thanks,
>  Brian
> 2009/01/02 21:30:30.975         0:07.903      Opal Liste...0xb521db90 SIP     
> received:
> rem=udp$konqueror:5060,local=udp$,if=
> SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
> From: <sip:9999999...@sip.id.on.net>
> Call-ID: 12240d6e-2ed7-dd11-8a54-001b11e9b...@l2
> To: <sip:9999999...@sip.id.on.net>;tag=aprqngfrt-298smn1000020
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