> >
> > Ahhhh!
> >

> > What was the solution to the compilation problem ?
Unfortunately, there is no solution.
I am happy to pursue it further offline if you like.
However, I am not sure if it is worth the effort.
The problem was/is that I run kde.
As such I have almost no gnome stuff installed by default.
When I do install gnome stuff it gets put into /usr/lib not
opt/gnome/lib where your software goes looking for it.
I forgot to ask Fabrice when he said that he managed to compile, if he
was using/had installed, the gnome desktop.

In addition I think I was picking up some older libs( I did an upgrade
from 10.3-11.1) as the compile wanted to use resmgr which no longer
exists on 11.1.

Again many thanks,

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