I am currently running ekiga on opensuse 11.1
However, if you do a search of this list for posts from me you will see the issues I had. Two things spring to mind, one is you sy you declined the ekiga sip account, but did you remove the stun server as well?
The other is that you are possibly running the wrong version.

I would be interested to know(if you are a KDE user) if you managed to compile it.

On Wed, 07 Jan 2009 21:51:42 +1000, Clayton <> wrote:

I cannot make SIP calls with Ekiga 3.0.1 on openSUSE 11.1.

I was using, up until recently the 2.x releases of Ekiga, and they
worked perfectly.  I could connect to my VoIP provider and make calls.
 Ekiga 3.0.1 is another story though.

I have cleared out all previous Ekiga config files, and gone through
the setup wizard.  I declined the SIP account because I
already have a SIP account with my long standing VoIP provider.

I have set up my SIP account, and Ekiga appears to be able to connect
to it.  I have triple checked the user name and password used to
connect (the same SIP account I have used for several years with Ekiga
and my VoIP provider).

When I attempt to make a call to a landline (via my VoIP provider),
all I seem to get is the message "User is not available"

Ekiga is working (sound setup etc) because if I intentionally mis-dial
and enter an invalid phone number I get a voice error message from my
VoIP provider.

I thought this might be a VoIP provider problem, but if I try Ekiga
2.12 from another Linux install it works fine... so it would appear to
be directly linked to this version of Ekiga.

Does anyone know what could be going wrong here and how I can fix it?

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