Le mercredi 07 janvier 2009 à 14:11 +0100, Eugen Dedu a écrit :
> Clayton wrote:
> >> Try to call:
> >> sip:yournum...@sip.voiparound.com
> >> instead of sip:yournumber
> >>
> >> There is this error in your log:
> >>
> >> SIP     Connecting to sip:[...] via [...]
> >> Socket  Illegal RFC952 characters in DNS name [...]
> >> Opal    Could not find host [...]
> > 
> > OK, tried that (I thought I had tried that several times in the
> > troubleshooting I had done before sending a mail to this list), and I
> > can make a call now... the call quality is shockingly bad, but I do
> > get through using the full sip:yournum...@sip.voiparound.com syntax.
> > 
> > Is this a new requirement?  In 2.0.12 I could simply type in the phone
> Yes.
> I propose (maybe I will fix too):
> - either print "Malformed number" or something like this
> - or desactivate the Call button until the number has a @ inside

In this particular case, there is only 1 account, thus ekiga could
automatically add the full address by itself...

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