Damien Sandras <dsand...@seconix.com> writes:

> Le jeudi 19 février 2009 à 00:32 -0500, Mark T.B. Carroll a écrit :
>> I have run through the configuration assistant thing from start to
>> finish. I can call the 5...@ekiga.net echo test and that works just fine.
>> However, calling the 5...@ekiga.net callback service has it hang up on me
>> and then ... nothing, though the -d 5 output shows that it is indeed
>> getting a callback initiated from from sip:5...@ekiga.net which is then
>> aborted. I am behind NAT and the router forwards incoming UDP from port
>> 5060 to 5100 to the machine I'm using and acts as a gateway to let all
>> my outgoing packets out.
>> Should I gzip my -d 4 output and send it to somebody? I can also sniff
>> packets and send pcap files. I use Debian; software versions are,
> There is a known problem with incoming calls and the current snapshot. I
> will fix it this week-end.

Now with the 20090225 one, the incoming call does arrive (yay!), I hit
`accept', and it segfaults.

I can still send my -d 4 output to somebody. (-:

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