On 17/05/13 20:53, Stuart D Gathman wrote:
On 05/17/2013 12:34 PM, Greg Ferber expounded in part:

This has happened to me several times recently. Ekiga is connected, I
can place calls if so desired, and someone calls me. I get the ringing
sound, but none of the buttons or menu entries will let me pick up the

Windows 7 x64, Ekiga 4.0.1, using SIP (specifically SimpleSignal
service, which uses BroadSoft, in case that matters)

Any clues?

Heh. This is a big problem. I thought Windows was supposed to pop up the
call window instead of using notifiers? On unix desktops with notifiers,

Indeed, it is strange that the call window is not automatically shown on Windows.

Isn't the call window shown?  Is it never shown or only sometimes?

ekiga pops up a notifier with Accept and Reject buttons. Unfortunately,
2 out of 4 desktop systems tested have broken notifiers, so that you
can't answer calls on those desktops either. Working desktops so far in
Fedora are gnome-shell and mate (cinnamon and gnome-fallback are broken).

I've been campaigning for the developers to make always using the Call
window a config option, instead of relying the desktop environment to
tell the truth about whether buttons on notifiers are supported
(cinnamon lies) and assuming they actually work.

You are not alone, I have compaigned too, but I was told that the notification is better visually :) Maybe we can add a command line switch, or a gconf (!) key for that?

It is good to try to support notifiers by default, since that is more
elegant, and integrated with the desktop. But being able to fall back to
the call window without recompiling would be great.

It is supposed to fallback. If it does not happen, the problem is surely in notification implementation, not in ekiga.

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