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Professor Phil Jones 'considered suicide over email scandal' Professor Phil
Jones, the scientist at the centre of the "Climategate" leaked email
scandal, has told how he considered suicide over the affair.

By Aislinn Laing
Published: 8:45AM GMT 07 Feb 2010

[image: Phil Jones]

Phil Jones, the the academic at the centre of the climate change data row

Prof Jones, the head of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University
of East Anglia, said his "David Kelly moment" – a reference to the
Government scientist who killed himself over WMD claims in the lead up to
the Iraq war – came as death threats poured in from around the world.

Since the scandal broke on the eve of the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit
in December, he has lost a stone in weight and is on beta-blockers and
sleeping pills.
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However, the 57-year-old told *The Sunday Times *that suicide is now out of
his mind.

“There were death threats,” he said. “People said I should go and kill
myself. They said they knew where I lived. I did think about it, yes. About
suicide. I thought about it several times, but I think I’ve got past that
stage now.”

He said that his five-year-old granddaughter was instrumental in helping him

“I wanted to see her grow up," he said.

Prof Jones has stood aside as head of the CRU while a Norfolk police inquiry
investigates thousands of emails and other documents stolen from the
university's computer server and published on the internet.

Climate change sceptics point to an email written by one scientist in
November 1999 as evidence of manipulation of the figures to mask falling
global temperatures.

"I've just completed Mike's Nature [the science journal] trick of adding in
the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie, from 1981 onwards)
and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline," the email said.

In another email, the death of a leading climate change sceptic is described
as "cheering news".

They have also been used by climate change sceptics to allege that attempts
were made to manipulate data to "prove" the existence of man-made climate

Prof Jones said he was knocked sideways by the worldwide outrage that
followed the leaking of the emails.

“I am just a scientist. I have no training in PR or dealing with crises," he

Although he has received some high-profile support for his work, he is still
receiving death threats, with two more arriving last week after the deputy
information commissioner delivered his verdict.

He ruled that UEA was in breach of the Freedom of Information Act by
refusing to disclose information, but added that it was unable to prosecute
the people involved because the complaint was made too late.

Prof Jones now accepts that he did not treat the FOI requests as seriously
as he should have done.

“I regret that I did not deal with them in the right way,” he told *The
Sunday Times*. “In a way, I misjudged the situation.”

But he remains convinced that the unit was maliciously targeted by a deluge
of requests – many from abroad and for information which he claims was often
already online – specifically designed to disrupt its work.

He said that last year, in July alone, it received 60 FOI requests and, with
a staff of just 13 to deal with them, could not deal with them fast enough.

“I think they just wanted to waste our time, they wanted to slow us down,"
he said.

He admitted that emails he sent which appeared to suggest to colleagues that
they delete data so it could not be made public were ill-advised but said
they were written out of pure "frustration" at the flood of requests.

“I thought the requests were just distractions. It was taking us away from
our day jobs. It was written in anger,” he said.

“I am obviously going to be much more careful about my emails in future. I
will write every email as if it is for publication. But I stand 100 per cent
behind the science. I did not manipulate or fabricate any data, and I look
forward to proving that to the Sir Muir Russell inquiry [the UEA’s
independent review into allegations against the unit].”

He intends to continue with his career but said he intends to remain out of
the spotlight in future. “I wish people would read my scientific papers
rather than my emails," he said.

* It has also emerged that the research institute run by the head of the
UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr Rajendra Pachauri, has
given a series of awards to companies that have provided it with financial

The Energy and Resources Institute (Teri) has given awards for environmental
excellence, corporate social responsibility and handling of Aids to Honda,
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, and PepsiCo India, all of which are either
major sponsors or have provided funding for environmental projects.

Dr Pachauri has previously denied any conflict of interest between his work
for Teri and his role as IPCC chairman, but the funding links will raise
further questions at a time when the UN organisation is already under
pressure over alleged errrors in its reports.

Al Baqarah 2:9-12

*Mereka hendak menipu Allah dan orang-orang yang beriman*, pada hal *mereka
hanya menipu dirinya sendiri* sedang *mereka tidak sadar.*

Dalam hati mereka ada penyakit, lalu *ditambah Allah penyakitnya*; dan *bagi
mereka siksa yang pedih*, *disebabkan mereka berdusta*.

Dan bila dikatakan kepada mereka: Janganlah kamu membuat kerusakan di muka
bumi, mereka menjawab: "Sesungguhnya kami orang-orang yang mengadakan

Ingatlah, sesungguhnya mereka itulah orang-orang yang membuat kerusakan,
tetapi mereka tidak sadar.

Al Ankabuut 29:3-4

Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menguji orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka
sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya *Dia
mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta*.

atau kah *orang-orang yang mengerjakan kejahatan itu mengira bahwa mereka
akan luput dari (azab) Kami?* Amatlah buruk apa yang mereka tetapkan itu.

Qaaf 50:5

Sebenarnya, *mereka telah mendustakan kebenaran tatkala kebenaran itu datang
* kepada mereka, maka *mereka berada dalam keadaan kacau balau*.

Al Haaqqah 69:49

Dan *sesungguhnya kami benar-benar mengetahui* bahwa di antara kamu *ada
orang yang mendustakan*.

Al Qamar 54:26

*Kelak mereka akan mengetahui* siapakah yang sebenarnya amat *pendusta* lagi

Al Qalam 68:5-6

Maka *kelak kamu akan melihat* dan *mereka pun akan melihat*,

siapa di antara kamu yang *gila*.

Ash Shaaffaat 37:175

Dan *lihatlah mereka*, maka *kelak mereka akan melihat* (azab itu).

Ash Shaaffaat 37:179

Dan *lihatlah*, maka *kelak mereka juga akan melihat*.

Ali Imran 3:54

*Orang-orang kafir itu membuat tipu daya*, dan *Allah membalas tipu daya
mereka itu*. Dan *Allah sebaik-baik pembalas tipu daya.*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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