On Thursday, December 19, 2013 4:40:21 PM UTC-7, Joshua Corb wrote:
> I have a feeling the issue is the application has a embedded version of 
> elastic search. Is there a default path that elastic search will look for a 
> configuration? Or a java variable I can add that will force it to look in a 
> specific path?
You can configure it with the `-Des.path.conf` jvm configuration variable. 
You can also retrieve the currently configured settings with the following:

curl 'localhost:9200/_nodes/settings?pretty'

which will look something like this (this example includes how your 
analyzers will look):

  "ok" : true,
  "cluster_name" : "vouchd-search",
  "nodes" : {
    "nKB19zwmSY-a56JGPWqj9Q" : {
      "name" : "Midas",
      "transport_address" : "inet[/]",
      "hostname" : "Xanadu.local",
      "version" : "0.90.7",
      "http_address" : "inet[/]",
      "settings" : {
        "path.home" : "/Users/hinmanm/esi/elasticsearch-0.90.7",
        "foreground" : "yes",
        "index.analysis.analyzer.autocomplete.type" : "custom",
        "index.analysis.analyzer.autocomplete.filter.0" : "lowercase",
        "index.analysis.analyzer.autocomplete_search.tokenizer" : "whitespace",
        "index.analysis.analyzer.autocomplete_search.type" : "custom",
        "cluster.name" : "vouchd-search",
        "index.analysis.analyzer.autocomplete_search.filter.0" : "lowercase",
        "index.analysis.filter.auto_edge_ngram.max_gram" : "15",
        "index.analysis.filter.auto_edge_ngram.min_gram" : "2",
        "index.analysis.filter.auto_edge_ngram.type" : "edgeNGram",
        "index.analysis.analyzer.autocomplete.tokenizer" : "whitespace",
        "name" : "Midas",
        "path.logs" : "/Users/hinmanm/esi/elasticsearch-0.90.7/logs"

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