In looking around I haven't been able to find explicit answers to these 
questions - though the questions may entirely be because I'm a hadoop 
If we were to deploy ES within a hadoop environment:
The primary benefit is allowing direct interaction with ES from Hadoop, 
running queries or indexing data, is that right? 
Are there explicit benefits to search speed and capability when run through 
the normal REST or other client APIs? That is to say, if I have a set of N 
documents and a query that takes T seconds to run on a normal cluster 
through curl, would there be a marked improvement in T when running the 
same query through curl against a hadoop enabled cluster?
Are the ideal architecture designs for a hadoop enabled ES cluster the 
same, or similar to, a "regular" cluster?
If they're the same, does a hadoop enabled cluster need to be designed as 
such from the start, or can that functionality be tacked on to an already 
functioning cluster with data? Situation is, we're on a cluster of machines 
running hadoop, but the ES nodes are just running on the compute nodes like 
a regular service. Wondering what it would take to enable the hadoop 


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