That looks ok, similar to how we do things with virtualised master/data
I wouldn't specify your shard/replica count on the node though, do it in
the index as it allows you to change with ease.

Mark Walkom

Infrastructure Engineer
Campaign Monitor

On 5 February 2014 05:19, Tony Su <> wrote:

> Hi Enger,
> Although I don't yet have enough experience building ES clusters to
> directly answer your question(s),
> Typically when I'm involved in this type of provisioning, I generally
> start off with a set of objectives and then design accordingly. I'd be
> interested in your objectives list and then match those to your proposed
> configuration.
> Thx,
> Tony
> On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 9:54:48 AM UTC-8, engel der wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we are setting up a Elasticsearch 1.0 (RC2) Cluster and I think I need
>> some help were to start with (settings related). We have got 6 physical
>> server with 265GB RAM and 2TB local SAS storage (seperated in two Raid10
>> Groups as LVM VGs). Those six servers are running Ubuntu 14.04. All "roles"
>> (Application Server [NGINX+PHP-FPM+GlusterFS-Client+Elasticsearch
>> "searcher"], Database Server [Galera Cluster], Storage Server [GlusterFS],
>> Cache Server [Redis] ...) will be running in LXC containers. Most of them
>> Ubuntu 14.04 only the Galera Cluster in 12.04.
>> We expect about 100GB of data to index and the data is changing not that
>> fast (5% per day?). The idea is to install Elastic Search on all 6
>> Application Severs as "searcher" with:
>> search001
>> node.master: false
>> false
>> #node.master: true
>> true
>> node.max_local_storage_nodes: 1
>> index.number_of_shards: 5
>> index.number_of_replicas: 2
>> Add 3 "data" Nodes with:
>> search001
>> node.master: false
>> false
>> #node.master: true
>> true
>> node.max_local_storage_nodes: 1
>> index.number_of_shards: 5
>> index.number_of_replicas: 2
>> bootstrap.mlockall: true
>> and 3 "master" nodes:
>> search001
>> #node.master: false
>> false
>> node.master: true
>> true
>> node.max_local_storage_nodes: 1
>> index.number_of_shards: 5
>> index.number_of_replicas: 2
>> The LXCs for those "searchers" get 8GB RAM, the "masters" get 2GB RAM and
>> the "data" LXCs get 60GB and 300GB storage.
>> What about the Java settings for those "data" nodes???
>> cat /etc/default/elasticsearch
>> # Run Elasticsearch as this user ID and group ID
>> ES_USER=elasticsearch
>> ES_GROUP=elasticsearch
>> # Heap Size (defaults to 256m min, 1g max)
>> # Heap new generation
>> # max direct memory
>> # Maximum number of open files, defaults to 65535.
>> # Maximum locked memory size. Set to "unlimited" if you use the
>> # bootstrap.mlockall option in elasticsearch.yml. You must also set
>> MAX_LOCKED_MEMORY=unlimited
>> # Maximum number of VMA (Virtual Memory Areas) a process can own
>> MAX_MAP_COUNT=262144  #more????
>> # Elasticsearch log directory
>> #LOG_DIR=/var/log/elasticsearch
>> # Elasticsearch data directory
>> #DATA_DIR=/var/lib/elasticsearch
>> # Elasticsearch work directory
>> #WORK_DIR=/tmp/elasticsearch
>> # Elasticsearch configuration directory
>> #CONF_DIR=/etc/elasticsearch
>> # Elasticsearch configuration file (elasticsearch.yml)
>> #CONF_FILE=/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
>> # Additional Java OPTS
>> # Configure restart on package upgrade (true, every other setting will
>> lead to not restarting)
>> What about the master and searcher settings? I guess I do not have to
>> tune them?
>> Thank you for any help!
>> Regards,
>> Flo
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