Ah yes, via the default in the yaml configuration file, of course. I'll 
give that a try, thanks!

It is a pity though that the "default" analyzer doesn't seem to do his job 
of processing all unmatched document as far as the _analyze field is 


P.S. : I do understand your position about not indexing documents for which 
you haven't craft a dedicated analyzer yet. Makes real sense.

On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 5:09:43 PM UTC+1, InquiringMind wrote:
> Based on posts to this newsgroup early on in my usage of ES (over a year 
> now!), I used to put the following in my elasticsearch.yml file. Any field 
> that was not explicitly assigned an analyzer and that was deemed by ES to 
> be a string would pick up English snowball analyzer with no stop words (my 
> preference at the time):
> index:
>   analysis:
>     analyzer:
>       # set stemming analyzer with no stop words as the default
>       default:
>         type: snowball
>         language: English
>         stopwords: _none_
>     filter:
>       stopWordsFilter:
>         type: stop
>         stopwords: _none_
> But since then, I've long abandoned this default approach. Instead, I 
> explicitly assigned an analyzer to each and every field (you know, like a 
> real database!). And then my elasticsearch.yml file now contains the 
> following:
> # Do not automatically create an index when a document is loaded, and do
> # not automatically index unknown (unmapped) fields:
> action.auto_create_index: false
> index.mapper.dynamic: false
> Therefore, I cannot automatically create an index during a load (which 
> would then create a useless index without any of the analyzers and mappings 
> I've carefully crafted). And I cannot get ES to automatically create a new 
> field; this is very helpful when someone uses a low-level tool such as 
> curl, and misspells a field name; ES will no longer create, for example, 
> the givveName field when it should have been givenName.
> Brian
> On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 8:57:30 AM UTC-5, Frederic Meyer wrote:
>> Hey there.
>> Nearly one year after this initial post, I'm running into the exact same 
>> issue, even though ES is now released (1.0).
>> Has anybody found a proper solution within ES? I've spent like 1 hour 
>> searching for this, without any luck.
>> The only ugly workaround that I can think of right now is deal with a 
>> fall back language at the data level i.e. before sending documents to be 
>> indexed by ES.
>> Thanks.

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