
We have bulk-indexed a fresh ES 1.0.1 cluster with index.refresh_interval : -1 
(disabled), and then set index.refresh_interval: 5s about 20 hours ago, the 
document count is continuously increasing since then, is this normal or 
expected? How do I know when it'll be done? Our expected document count was 
about half of the current document count in the new cluster.

1394593149 02:59:09 167713281
1394593153 02:59:13 167723653
1394593156 02:59:16 167720017
1394593220 03:00:20 167800614
1394593224 03:00:24 167812913
1394593228 03:00:28 167812056

( while true; do curl -s http://54.xxx.xxx.xxx:9201/_cat/count; sleep 2; done )

Looking forward to any advice or suggestions on what to look into.



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