Hi, Mike:

Since both ES and Solr uses Lucene, do you know why we only see big ingest 
performance degradation with ES but not Solr?

Are you suggesting that if our customer require large amount of Metadata 
field, even Solr won't be able to provide decent performance when ingest 
and search are happening concurrently?


On Thursday, June 12, 2014 10:57:23 PM UTC-7, Maco Ma wrote:
> I try to measure the performance of ingesting the documents having lots of 
> fields.
> The latest elasticsearch 1.2.1:
> Total docs count: 10k (a small set definitely)
> settings:
> {"doc":{"settings":{"index":{"uuid":"LiWHzE5uQrinYW1wW4E3nA","number_of_replicas":"0","translog":{"disable_flush":"true"},"number_of_shards":"5","refresh_interval":"-1","version":{"created":"1020199"}}}}}
> mappings:
> {"doc":{"mappings":{"type":{"dynamic_templates":[{"t1":{"mapping":{"store":false,"norms":{"enabled":false},"type":"string"},"match":"*_ss"}},{"t2":{"mapping":{"store":false,"type":"date"},"match":"*_dt"}},{"t3":{"mapping":{"store":false,"type":"integer"},"match":"*_i"}}],"_source":{"enabled":false},"properties":{}}}}}
> All fields in the documents mach the templates in the mappings.
> Since I disabled the flush & refresh, I submitted the flush command (along 
> with optimize command after it) in the client program every 10 seconds. (I 
> tried the another interval 10mins and got the similar results)
> Scenario 0 - 10k docs have 1000 different fields:
> Ingestion took 12 secs.  Only 1.08G heap mem is used(only states the used 
> heap memory).
> Scenario 1 - 10k docs have 10k different fields(10 times fields compared 
> with scenario0):
> This time ingestion took 29 secs.   Only 5.74G heap mem is used.
> Not sure why the performance degrades sharply.
> If I try to ingest the docs having 100k different fields, it will take 17 
> mins 44 secs.  We only have 10k docs totally and not sure why ES perform so 
> badly. 
> Anyone can give suggestion to improve the performance?

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