
It seems to me that the cross_field does more than the SOLR dismax query. 
To compare the same thing in both ES and Solr, you could run the disMax 
query with Es and start from there

Hope it helps

On Tuesday, June 24, 2014 5:09:21 PM UTC+2, Christoph Lingg wrote:
> Hi!
> we're using elasticsearch for an open source geocoder called photon. We're 
> using solr previously but we switched to elasticsearch some time ago and 
> I'am using now multi_match's cross_field 
> <http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-multi-match-query.html#type-cross-fields>
> query (which is great by the way as it sorts out most problems we had 
> before).
> I investigated the performance between both implementation and it turned 
> out that the elasticsearch is about 5 times slower than the solr 
> counterpart. The dataset (100,000,000 documents) is identical and the size 
> of both indices too. On the solr side, I am using an edismax 
> <https://github.com/komoot/photon/blob/deprecated-solr-version/solrconfig/collection1/conf/solrconfig.xml#L122>
> query whilst it is a cross_field 
> <https://github.com/christophlingg/photon/blob/komoot/website/photon/app.py#L25>
>  on 
> elasticsearch. Average query time is 120ms vs. 1000s.
> I adjusted the number of open file descriptors to 64k, during the 
> benchmark there is (almost) no IO whilst the cpu is very high (> 75%, 12 
> cores). As cross_field is a very recent feature I tried out best_field 
> <http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-multi-match-query.html#type-best-fields>
>  as 
> well, but benchmark results weren't better.
> Do you have any ideas on how I can dig more into performance issues like 
> this in elasticsearch? Do you have experience with both queries you can 
> share with me?
> Thanks for your help!
> Christoph

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