We are using elasticsearch 0.90.1. We had some problems with the network, 
when the network is down (the convergence time is around 40s). Recovering 
the elastic after this event took a long time to be available. We have 16 
data nodes and 16 shards with 2 replica and the settings:

discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 4
gateway.recover_after_nodes: 4
gateway.expected_nodes: 6

Any idea about how to minimize the recovery time?
Is it a good idea to update the version?
What will happen if we increase discovery.zen.fd.ping_interval and 
ping_timeout settings? Assuming the network is completely off, is there any 
way to wait for at least those 40 seconds to start marking servers down? 
Does the ping_timeout ignore the failure to connect to a node?


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