Here is my experience. Yours may vary.

I also use the TransportClient. And then I wrap our business rules behind 
another server that offers an HTTP REST API but talks to Elasticsearch on 
the back end via the TransportClient. This server uses Netty and the LMAX 
Disruptor to provide low-resource high-throughput processing; it is 
somewhat like Node.js but in Java instead of JavaScript.

Then I have a bevy of command-line maintenance and test tools that also use 
the TransportClient. I wrap them inside a shell script (for example, 
Foobar.main is wrapped inside and convert command-line options 
(such as -t person) into Java properties (such as TypeName=person), and 
also set the classpath to all of the Elasticsearch jars plus all of mine.

Whenever there is a compelling change to Elasticsearch, I upgrade, and many 
times I have watched my Java builds fail with all of the breaking changes. 
But even with the worst of the breaking changes, it was down for maybe a 
day or two at the most; the API is rather clean, and this newsgroup is a 
life saver, and so I never got stuck. And when I was done, I had learned 
even more about the ES Java API.

So it's either a huge pain or it's the joy of learning, depending on your 
point of view. I have always viewed it as the joy of learning.

I just wish the Facets-to-Aggregations migration was smoother. But I sense 
that there will be another breaking change on my horizon. This will be 
particularly sad for me, as I had implemented a rather nice hierarchical 
term frequency combining mvel and facets. Which are now deprecated and on 
the list to be removed. But again, I'll learn a lot when making the 

I believe it was Thomas Edison who said that most people miss opportunities 
because the opportunities come dressed in overalls and look like work. But 
I digress.... :-)


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