Hi all,

I have been struggling to put together a backup solution for my ES cluster.

As far as I understand the documentation at

I can't understand why the following might be failing:

I have exported an NFS filesystem to both nodes of my 2-node ES cluster, 
mounted as /srv/backup.

I created the elastic search user on the NFS server too and then 

[root@back01 ~]# ls -ld /srv/backup/es_backup

drwxrwx---. 3 elasticsearch elasticsearch 4096 Sep 29 18:37 

Start with a clean filesystem:

[root@logdata01 ~]# rm -rf /srv/backup/*

Register the backup area:

[root@logdata01 ~]# curl -s -XPUT http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/backup -d 

  "type": "fs",

  "settings": {

    "location": "/srv/backup"




Create a snapshot:

[root@logdata01 ~]# curl -XPUT 

I then get failures on various shards

Any help on how I could get this cluster into a sane state that can be 
backed up greatly appreciated.

Best regards

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