Hi Alex,

Any chance you have disk quota enabled for the NFS share? I see this is the 
snapshot output:

> "IndexShardSnapshotFailedException[[logstash-2014.09.19][4] Failed to 
> perform snapshot (index files)]; nested: IOException[No space left on 
> device]; "

Can you try copying a larger file to the NFS server as user elasticsearch?

Ciprian Hacman
Performance Monitoring * Log Analytics * Search Analytics
Solr & Elasticsearch Support * http://sematext.com/

On Tuesday, September 30, 2014 3:30:08 AM UTC+3, Alex Harvey wrote:
> Thanks for responding.
> It doesn't seem to be a permissions problem -
> [root@logdata01 ~]# ls -ld /srv/backup
> drwxrwx---. 3 elasticsearch elasticsearch 4096 Sep 29 18:43 /srv/backup
> [root@logdata01 ~]# find /srv/backup/ \! -user elasticsearch -or \! -group 
> elasticsearch
> [root@logdata01 ~]# 
> [root@logdata01 ~]# find /srv/backup -ls |head
> 131073    4 drwxrwx---   3 elasticsearch elasticsearch     4096 Sep 29 
> 18:43 /srv/backup
> 131076    4 drwxr-xr-x  12 elasticsearch elasticsearch     4096 Sep 29 
> 18:37 /srv/backup/indices
> 131095    4 drwxr-xr-x   6 elasticsearch elasticsearch     4096 Sep 29 
> 18:42 /srv/backup/indices/logstash-2014.09.28
> 131096    8 -rw-r--r--   1 elasticsearch elasticsearch     4120 Sep 29 
> 18:37 /srv/backup/indices/logstash-2014.09.28/snapshot-tcom_snapshot
> 131189    4 drwxr-xr-x   2 elasticsearch elasticsearch     4096 Sep 29 
> 18:37 /srv/backup/indices/logstash-2014.09.28/3
> 131193    8 -rw-r--r--   1 elasticsearch elasticsearch     4443 Sep 29 
> 18:37 /srv/backup/indices/logstash-2014.09.28/3/__3
> 131201    4 -rw-r--r--   1 elasticsearch elasticsearch      689 Sep 29 
> 18:37 /srv/backup/indices/logstash-2014.09.28/3/__b
> 131202    4 -rw-r--r--   1 elasticsearch elasticsearch       61 Sep 29 
> 18:37 /srv/backup/indices/logstash-2014.09.28/3/__c
> 131206    4 -rw-r--r--   1 elasticsearch elasticsearch      281 Sep 29 
> 18:37 /srv/backup/indices/logstash-2014.09.28/3/__g
> 131200    4 -rw-r--r--   1 elasticsearch elasticsearch      349 Sep 29 
> 18:37 /srv/backup/indices/logstash-2014.09.28/3/__a
> On Monday, September 29, 2014 8:02:42 PM UTC+10, Mark Walkom wrote:
>> Can you do an ls -ld /srv/backup and provide the output?
>> Regards,
>> Mark Walkom
>> Infrastructure Engineer
>> Campaign Monitor
>> email: ma...@campaignmonitor.com
>> web: www.campaignmonitor.com
>> On 29 September 2014 18:45, Alex Harvey <alexh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have been struggling to put together a backup solution for my ES 
>>> cluster.
>>> As far as I understand the documentation at
>>> http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-snapshots.html
>>> I can't understand why the following might be failing:
>>> I have exported an NFS filesystem to both nodes of my 2-node ES cluster, 
>>> mounted as /srv/backup.
>>> I created the elastic search user on the NFS server too and then 
>>> [root@back01 ~]# ls -ld /srv/backup/es_backup
>>> drwxrwx---. 3 elasticsearch elasticsearch 4096 Sep 29 18:37 
>>> /srv/backup/es_backup
>>> Start with a clean filesystem:
>>> [root@logdata01 ~]# rm -rf /srv/backup/*
>>> Register the backup area:
>>> [root@logdata01 ~]# curl -s -XPUT http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/backup 
>>> -d '{                                                                       
>>>   "type": "fs",
>>>   "settings": {
>>>     "location": "/srv/backup"
>>>   }
>>> }'
>>> {"acknowledged":true}
>>> Create a snapshot:
>>> [root@logdata01 ~]# curl -XPUT 
>>> "localhost:9200/_snapshot/backup/tcom_snapshot?wait_for_completion=true&pretty"
>>> I then get failures on various shards
>>> https://gist.github.com/alexharv074/b4c7d35028c425f70f20
>>> Any help on how I could get this cluster into a sane state that can be 
>>> backed up greatly appreciated.
>>> Best regards
>>> Alex
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