
I'm evaluating elasticsearch for use in new project. I can see that it has 
all search features we need. Problem is that after reading documentation 
and forum I still can't understand whether elastic is suitable technology 
for us performance-wise. I'd be very grateful to get your opinion on that.

We're building a directory of businesses, similar to Yelp. We have 5m 
businesses, and main feature of our site is faceted search on different 
facets: geography (tens of thousands geo objects), business type (several 
thousand options), additional services offered by that business (hundreds) 
and so on. So for each request (combination of search parameters) we need 
to get search results, but also what options are available in each facet 
(for example, what business types are located are in selected geography) 
for user to be able to narrow down his search (example: 
http://take.ms/oAZan). Full text search (by business name for example) is 
used in very small percentage of requests, bulk of requests is exact match 
on one or several facets.

Based on the similar our project we expect 1-5m requests per day. All 
requests are highly diversified: no single page (combination of search 
params) constitutes more than 0,1% of total requests. We expect to be able 
to answer request in 200-300ms, so I guess request to elasticsearch should 
take no more than 100ms.

On our similar project we use big lookup table in database with all 
possible combinations of params mapped to search result count. For each 
request we generate all possible combinations of parameters to refine 
current search and then check lookup table to see if they have any results.

My questions are:

Is elastic search suitable for our purposes? Specifically, are aggregations 
meant to be used in large number of low-latency requests, or are they more 
like analytical feature, where response time is not that important? I ask 
that because in discussions of aggregation and faceting performance here 
and elsewhere response times are mentioned in 1-10s range, which is ok for 
analytics and infrequent searches, but obviously on ok for us.

How hard it is to get performance we need: 50 rps, 100ms response time for 
search+facets, on some reasonable hardware, taking into account big number 
of possible facet combinations and high diversification of requests? What 
kind of hardware should we expect to handle our loads? I understand that 
these are vague questions, but I just need some approximation. Is it more 
like 1 server with commodity hardware and simple configuration, or more 
like cloud of 10 servers and extensive tuning? For example, our lookup 
table solution works on 1 commodity server with 16gb of ram with almost 
default setup.

Thank you for your responses,

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