Sometimes I need a little help so I call upon one or more of you to act as relay stations. I never know what is going to happen but this afternoon it appears I put Bob Feller on the mound for a no hitter! Tony, W7GO, was the first check in this evening also for his first time on ECN. I got his vitals and then sent out the net preamble. I called CQ a bit with no luck. So I asked him if he would like to try his hand. Politely he gives a call and hands it back to me. I tried again and asked him to give another shot. Sometime around 40 minutes later I get another call from Tony. He's managed a very nice list of checkins and gotten over whatever jitters he may have felt. A big thank you to W7GO for working NCS/QSP. GREAT JOB!!

I did hear some of these but without Tony the list would have been much shorter.


W7GO Tony , NV, K2 #4049  S9 down to S6 or less at the end
AB9V Mike, IN, KX1 #718   S1-2
VE3JPW - Warren - ON - non Elecraft rig
W0QQS Bruce, MN, K2 #3646   S3 to me.
W2SR Bob, NJ, K1 #1370    S1-2  got your call and rig type
K1EV Bill, CT, K2 #2152   Very, very loud out here Bill.
N2EAB Mike, NY, K2 #2118   S0-1   I did get NY and ?118  ?119
AA0NI Dan, OK, K2 #3421   S1 at best Dan  got your name state and SN

Thank you one and all for checking in this afternoon. If there are any errors in the list above please don't hesitate to correct me. I'll get it right one of these days.
   73 to all,
       Kevin.   KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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