On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 22:54:28 -0400, Bill Tippett wrote:

>It also seemed to me that the CW bands were surprisingly empty.  Maybe we're
>beginning to see the effects of waning CW interest in the general ham 
>It also seemed to me that I heard many QRP stations with good signals (e.g.
>N0SS) working others, but they never CQed and I never CQed (since it was so

Our 100 watt 3A (K9OR) made 1039 Q's on 40 meters alone. The operator of that 
position worked 40 cw for 22 hours, pausing only for a nap when things slowed 
down (2:30 am)  Our antennas were all dipoles at decent heights. I split my 
between 80, 20, and 15, and worked you on 80.  Somehow we missed you on 40. 

Jim K9YC

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