In 1957, I was ten years old, and I built my first kit (with the help of my 
father).  It was a Space Spanner.  I received transmissions of all sorts, and 
several modes, from all over the world using a wire out my bedroom window that 
ran to an insulator I had nailed into the eave of an outbuilding.  It was 
magic, and it started me on a journey that I am still travelling today.  My 
father became so enthused that he became licensed in 1958, and helped me to get 
licensed in 1959.

Then, as now, I lived in Greer, South Carolina.  Nobody alive in the south at 
that time had ever seen an aurora.  I can remember in the fall of 1957, and the 
winter of 1957-1958, the sky would glow a pinkish-orange almost every night.  
It looked as though we were living inside of a neon tube!  Some nights it was 
bright enough to read by. People were running crazy in the streets saying that 
the world was coming to an end.

Even in 1959, the cycle was so potent that I would come home from school and 
work the U.S. on 80 meters with a one watt tube transmitter that I had ordered 
from the back of a magazine.

If there is such a thing as sun spot cycle nostalgia, 1957 would get my vote!

Dan Allen
K2 S/N 1757
> From: "Stuart Rohre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2004/07/19 Mon PM 04:58:22 EDT
> To: "Mike Morrow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <>
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Another dumb one- Sunspot cycle

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