One of the amateur radio elders in the UK, Dick G2DYM puts forward the  
theory that buildings and presumably power lines are surrounded by an envelope  
electronic "smog". To clear this noise you have to have your antenna  mounted 
above this noise source or presumably if on the ground well clear of  these 
items. Additionally he is a firm advocate of using balanced feeders  to 
noise pick on the feeder to the antenna.
Have always lived in locations with substantial amounts of rock under the  
top soil, so never could get verticals to work on the ground no matter what I  
did. They were just about as good as a vertical piece of wet string! The only  
way was to get them mounted as high as possible with four full sized radials  
underneath the base of the antenna for each band they were resonant on. With  
that you could work the world at the right time.
Bob, G3VVT
K2 #4168
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