George,  W5YR writes:

"Parker, what did you think of the EZNEC gain predictions for verticals? 
Compared to wire dipoles at a modest height?"
The free space gain of a vertical is about the same as that of a dipole
(2.14 dBi).  However, over real ground the horizontal antenna benefits by
far field ground reflection.  This is borne out in EZNEC.

Remember that a vertical's gain is concentrated at the low angles that
are good for DXing, while the horizontal antenna must be relatively high
(at least 0.5 wavelengths) to have a reasonably low angle of radiation..

As far as noise goes, the dipole has a better receive S/N ratio than a
vertical simply because it has directivity, while the vertical is
omnidirectional.  Also, because of its low angle radiation, the vertical
"hears" man made noises better (which are generated close to the ground
and therefore arrive at a low angle).

73, de Earl, K6SE
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