I have recieved an overwhelming amount of info on antennas that may take few days to read through. There is some work to be done on my ground system as well.

A little progress was made by adding one radial, which made my TT 253 happy on 20m. The K2 and TT tuner are indicating consistent forward power 10m - 80m and low SWR.

I would like to maximize the efficiency of this antenna for multi band use. I am on a 60 x 160 lot, in Dallas, with the shack located in the back corner with a large tree in the front and back that are 100' apart with the 125' EFHWA strung between. Our antenna height is restricted to 35'. Utility lines are locted in the alley along the back. I have a 17m moxon mounted to the roof of the house which is in the middle of the lot.

I can change the length, grounding, or add radials along the property edge, but the height is restricted.

John K5XTX

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