In a message dated 8/3/04 8:25:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> Mediocre?  I'll match it against any trap dipole.  If I didn't have the 
> G5RV I would suggest a windom.  Had a trap dipole once and long wire beat it 
> G5 
> RV beat the long wire.  I have read varying reports on the G5RV some call it 
> compromise others love it.  I would say it's the best antenna I have had.  

My results have been that a *good* trap dipole beats a G5RV - but not by 
much. Both beat an equivalent long wire *unless* the long wire has a good 
system (as in more than a few radials and a ground stake). 


The keys to trap dipoles are the trap construction and overall adjustment. 
Lossy, low Q traps will give mediocre results. Good high Q traps will do much 
better - typically less than 1 dB down from a full size dipole. 

73 de Jim, N2EY
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