I plan on building my KSB2 to KI6WX's 2.2 kHz crystal filter bandwidth
specifications (which is now the current Elecraft bandwidth). Should I shift
the KAF2's low-pass filter roll-off higher in frequency when I build it to
account for the increased bandwidth of the KSB2, or will the low-pass
roll-off be adequate as is?

  Thanks, Michael N9BDF
  K2 #4137

PS  The "Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Consistency Act" (HR 1478)
and the "Amateur Radio Spectrum Protection Act" (HR 713 & S. 537) are in
Congress. Please contact your Congressmen to ask for their support of these
bills! See the following ARRL link for details:
http://www.arrl.org/govrelations/ <http://www.arrl.org/govrelations/> 

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