
I having a bit of a problem. I've just recently completed a build of a KX1 and everything has gone together smoothly, as usual. The problem is with the power transitor, Q6. If I tighten the flathead screw, Q6 must be shorting against something, as the display goes blank and the unit no longer work. (if you listen closely you can even hear the crackle of the short begining) If I back out the screw the KX1 comes back alive!

Before anyone responds please note, EVERYTHING IS THERE AND IN PROPER PLACEMENT! I only say this to be clear that the spacers, thermal pad, plastic washer, etc. are all present and accounted for, and that all are in proper position.

From the PC board going up:

Screw with split washer on each side of PCB - No obvious issues here.

Short hex stand-off - Again, no obvious issues here.

Plastic shouldered washer - It's properly seated, that is the shoulder is towards Q6. Also it sits centered within the hole of the Q6 case.

Power transistor (Q6) - Is parallel and square to the PCB. No funny cants, twists, or other unusual orientations noted. The leads are properly curved and do not contact anything within the case or on the PCB.

Thermal pad - Opening in pad is perfectly centered within the opening on the top cover. The pad sits parallel to the nearest edge. The orientation is exactly underneath the power transistor. In fact there is a slight amount (~1/16-1/8") of thermal pad visable on all 4 sides when the PCB is fully installed in the top cover.

Final flathead screw - Also no obvious issues here (however, see below). When the screw is not present, the view of the whole assembly (pad, Q6 and hex stand-off) is centered exactly within the screw opening.

My thought is that the conical shape of the flathead screw may be coming into contact with the opening in the case of the transistor and grounding Q6. Any thoughts?

Colin - AC0S

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