Hi All,

       After a few months delay of ignoring my K2, I finally got back to putting
the audio board, keying mod and new firmware in, and have noticed what I
think is a new problem for me, (not sure if it wasn't there before)

         When in CW mode, (have the 100 watt pa board) and I first key up, 
I get nothing out, seems to take about 2 to 3 dits before power comes up,
after that, all is fine, If I change bands, the same thing happens, go back to
the previous band, its the same, 2 to 3 dits, power comes up, have noticed,
that usually on the 2 or third dit, it only comes up to maybe 20-30 watts, 
then full 100 watts, this does not seem normal, did I forget to turn something
on ? or off ??  anybody else come across this ???

73 de K7ZUM
Ken in Gres"HAM"  Ore

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