I've had some time to play with the brand new K2.  It appears to be
working great!  I actually read the manual and I think I might
understand the filter bandwith/BFO stuff and what CAL FIL is doing.  I
have a question or two ... off-reflector replies are probably
appropriate since the traffic on this reflector is high:

I left a lot of my hearing in SE Asia, but I have a "sweet spot" at
about 650 Hz or so for CW.  I'd like the pitch of the received station
to stay at that freq when I change filter BW's.  I succeeded in getting
it close for CW NORM -- sort of an iterative process.  I did finally
figure out that I needed to center the signal in the narrowest filter,
set the BFO for the right pitch, and then set it for each of the wider

1.  Should I be able to do the same thing for CW REV?  What I'd like is
that filter setting and NORM/REV have no effect on the pitch of the
signal centered in the passband.

I did a quick VFO calibration before I took the K2 to Alpine County for
CQP.  It is still about 250 Hz off, I think.  (The CQP Alpine County
expedition is a different long story!)

2.  Should I do a good VFO cal first, before fooling around in CAL FIL
or does it not matter?

3.  Based on the initial VFO cal, I have a suspicion that I'm at or near
the end of the range on C22 and might not be able to get it right on. 
Other than the obvious display error, is this a factor in getting the
CAL FIL process completed?  Is there a way to fix it?

I have a calibrated service monitor.

FWIW:  9.9 W out on 10m, and over 10W on all other bands ... I wound the
toroids and binocular as stated in the book.  (This is on a 12V gel cell
for power).

Thanks to all for all the help during the construction, it was fun.  And
so is operating with it.


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98

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