Hi Fred,

> I have a calibrated service monitor.

Don's page has what you need to know.

Since you have a service monitor, there may be a shortcut.
The service monitor needs to be within 1 part per million.
I don't know if CAL FCTR has changed in the latest
firmware, but this used to work:

To set C22 with an accurate service monitor:
Let the K2 warm up.
Set the service monitor to 28100 KHz.
Attach to the frequency probe.
(Connect the shield from the monitor
to one of the ground points on the K2.)
Increase output from the monitor to get
a reasonably stable count on the K2.
I needed about 1 Volt.
Set C22 so that you read 28099.95 on the K2.
The display may switch between 28099.95 and 28099.96.
That's all there is to it.
This creates a small offset to the 4 MHz oscillator
that is needed for some reason.

You have to do CAL PLL and CAL FIL with the bottom
cover in place, and the stand the way you want it
when you operate, and you have to do it before to
much time goes by, since the setting on C22 is
temperature sensitive.

73, de Michael, AB9GV
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