
Since your adjustment range is on the 'edge of the cliff', it would be a good idea to identify what is causing it before it bites you later on. Check all the components for proper values and check solder connections very carefully to determine why you are running out of adjustment range. Look at the schematic to determine which components are connected to the AGC threshold pot circuits and check them all with a careful eye, then check again and when you have finished, check it once more - these things are difficult to spot even with careful inspection (I know, I've been there, done that many many times).

3.78 volts may be fine for the AGC Threshold adjustment - I often (usually) find that the proper AGC threshold is between 3.6 and 3.8 volts.

Just as an afterthought - you do have the RF gain control full clockwise do you not? It will alter the reading on the AGC threshold measurement point.


----- Original Message ----- When setting the AGC threshold I was not able to get 3.8 volts on pin 5 of U2 as described in the manual. The voltage varied from 2.60 to 3.78 when adjusting R1 to the extreme settings. Is this close enough or should I have more room for adjustment?

I have a faily good DMM, and it compares very closely to the K2 internal meter, and when checking values on 1% tolerance resisters. All other checks to date have been fine.

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