Greetings all,

Just finished installing and adjusting Tom's zero beat detector, and I must
echo others when I say that once again, Tom has a winner here.  The
little board was easy to assemble, SMT construction notwithstanding, and
worked perfectly the first time.  Real nice goin' and thanks, Tom!

73, Van W1WCG

> >
> Eric Ward wrote:
> > ....I have been interested in building some version of a visual zero
> > beat detector that uses a PLL tone-decoder IC for use with the KX1.  I
> > have
> > read about the K2 guys using N0SS's PC board version of the circuit
> > designed
> > by KR5L.  Has anyone tried it (or the Jackson Harbor Press kit, or any
> > such
> > similar) with the KX1?  Is the side tone too fuzzy/harmonically rich
> > to make
> > it work?
> Hi Eric,
> Tom Hammond has put the tone detector in a KX1, I believe. But I think
> he's off-line for a few days, since he's visiting here in California.
> On another topic, you wrote:
> > I was interested in WA5ZNU's recent post about tri-state and side tone
> > levels on the KX1.  Can't claim to understand it completely-I am a
> > lowly
> > biologist.
> It must be frustrating to be a biologist these days, watching species
> disappear, oceans warm, ice caps melt, habitat destroyed, and very
> little being done about it by the world's largest polluters. At least
> it's frustrating for me!
> Of course any discussion of this topic should be OFF the reflector  :)
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
> ---
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