Vic wrote: "I was making the point that his experiment of unhooking the
counterpoise and measuring the current into the radiator did not indicate that
the counterpoise was or was not improving antenna performance."

The method I used was to first tune the antenna with my KAT100 for a flat SWR, tune the counterpoise for max current at the rig, then tweak both until the KAT100 reported a flat SWR for the antenna while the Artificial Ground reported maximum current into the counterpoise. Using the rf sensor, I measured the current of the antenna [and counterpoise because I was curious] at a spot close to the back of the rig. I then removed the counterpoise, retuned the antenna for a flat SWR, and measured the current again for reasons of comparison.

This showed me the amount of current that was going into a properly tuned antenna both with and without a tuned counterpoise in place.


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