
Currently in the process of building a second KSB2 module for #1400 so 
that I can do various mods to the original.

Having reached the stage of installing the crystals I pondered the
desirability and possibility of grounding the cases lower down as is now
normal for the basic CW filter.  This is easily done if the following
sequence is employed:

Instead of fitting all the crystals in one go:

a) X4, then a short grounding wire about 1/3 of the way up the face of X4
b) X3, then a short grounding wire about 1/3 of the way up the corner of 
c) X5, as for X3
d) X1 & X2.  Curl the grounding wire across the edges of the crystals 
about 1/3 of the way up
e) X6 & X7, as for X1 & X2 above.

For the last two it is necessary to be careful not to toast C23.

I have a picture of the result if anyone is interested.  Maybe the N0SS 
web site if this method is thought useful.

Not completed the module yet so no Spectrogram plot.


Mike VP8NO

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