W3FPR replied to KH6AT that gated noise blankers cannot be expected
to work when the noise pulse is insufficient to reach the gating threshold
& that more signal might improve performance when blanking weak
noise.  Sounds reasonable, but...

I believe my other radios have gated noise blankers.  They behave far
better than the KNB2 in my K2 - even on noise that presumably is what
the KNB2 was designed for (chain saws, dirt bikes & similar stuff that
might be encountered by backpackers) - regardless of strength.

Outside of the type of noise the blanker is tailored for, why would it
be that a number of folks using one particular radio with a gated noise
blanker (K2 with KNB2) find the performance to be lacking compared to
other radios also with gated noise blankers?

73, VR2BrettGraham

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