I have a couple of questions about readings I have collected during my present 
build process.

First:  The procedure outlined for setting the AGC Threshold on page 47 
recommends setting the voltage from U2 pin 5 to 3.8 volts by adjusting R-1.  In 
the troubleshooting section Appendix E Page 6, the procedure recommends setting 
the voltage to 3.9 volts.  As I understand it this is a initial adjustment that 
I will fine tune later and that I am just adjusting for a peak voltage.  
However the maximum I can adjust my U2 Pin 5 voltage is 3.78.  Comments?

Second:  The IF Amplifier Alignment, outlines a procedure to tune the VFO to 
7.000 MHz then with the L34 slug turned down 1 1/2 turns from the top of the 
can, adjust the L34 for signal peak.  I hear a tone at 6,998 MHz and the 
audible tone is pretty solid for a full one and half turns in either direction 
on the L34.  I hooked up a DMM to the headphone output and the voltage appears 
to peak at the top of the L34 can.  Comments?

Third:  I remember seeing a posting that discussed a rather elaborate procedure 
to Calibrate the K2 S-meter using the Elecraft XG1.  Or was I dreaming?  Can 
someone point me in the right direction to speed up my search.

73, KI4DGH
Chuck G.

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